Our Story
The Future We Want to Create Founded in 1984, our company has been involved in building the trade insurance system for the Ministry of International Trade and Industry since 1991, and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) continues to utilize DYNATREK to this day. Presently, many financial institutions and major telecommunications companies also use our services. While the technology adopted by DYNATREK continues to evolve, our unwavering belief is to "create a foundation for a social system that can continuously adapt to changes."
The vision, MAKE YOUR OWN COMPANY, encapsulates our sentiment. Here, "YOUR" is always variable – it could refer to an individual, an organization, or even a nation. Every entity needs to continually make decisions to lead their "COMPANY" (community) into the future. We aim to remain a supportive force behind those decisions.
Our approach to projects is to envision the broader picture while quickly creating small cycles of success. By expanding this whirlwind of achievements, failures diminish, leading to the birth of new ideas, aspirations, and actions, infusing our projects with "vitality". Being part of these moments brings us immense joy.
Meet the Team
Our Story
1984: Establishment of Infomex Corporation (founding) Infomex Corporation was established in Chiyoda, Tokyo. In collaboration with Boston Consulting Group and Price Waterhouse, the company launched system consulting services primarily for government agencies.
1991: Development of a business system for the Trade Insurance Division of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Developed a real-time trade and investment risk analysis system for the Trade Insurance Division of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Nippon Export and Investment Insurance). This achievement was recognized with an award from the Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry, an exceptional honor for a vendor.
1999: Establishment of Dynatrek Corporation and acquisition of a Japanese patent Successfully commercialized the real-time data integration search tool, DYNATREK. Established Dynatrek Corporation to sell and support the software. Acquired a Japanese patent for virtual data integration technology.
2004: Acquisition of U.S. patents for virtual database Secured three U.S. patents related to virtual data integration technology.
2010: Implementation in the telecommunications industry Constructed a large-scale BI platform using DYNATREK for KDDI Corporation and began operations the same year.
2012: Introduction to the banking industry Began operations at Joyo Bank Ltd. and major trust banks associated with megabanks.
2014: Implementation in the power industry Started operations at Chuden Distribution Support Co., Ltd. (Chubu Electric Power Group).
2018: Additional acquisitions of domestic and U.S. patents Secured additional patents in Japan and the U.S. for BI systems using virtual database technology.
2019: Acquisition of international patents In addition to the U.S., secured international patents in Singapore and China.
2021: Relocation due to redevelopment in the Hibiya area Due to the Hibiya area redevelopment, the headquarters was relocated from the Imperial Hotel Tower to the International House of Japan in Roppongi, Tokyo, on January 15, 2021. Concurrently, opened a development and support base in Yokohama (Queens Tower A, Minatomirai, Yokohama City).
Present: Expansion of business focusing on banking and infrastructure industries The system is in operation at over 20 regional banks, including Yokohama Bank, Fukuoka Financial Group, and Joyo Bank. Additionally, DYNATREK has been adopted in various infrastructure industries, including telecommunications and electric power.